BC day 7

Welcome birth control side-effects!

I awoke Sunday morning to some nasty nausea and dizziness. I thought it was just because I was nervous for a reminder of yet another Mother’s Day that I am not a mother. By the time I got to my mom’s house, my hands were shaky, but I tried to power through it. Eventually, my brother took my blood pressure and it was 90/59…..ooops. A couple glasses of water later and I was feeling a bit better, but I was concerned as to why it dropped like that. This morning, I woke up feeling much the same, except with post nasal drip to add on. My throat was killing me, I had a headache, I felt weak and shaky. Sure enough, blood pressure was low again. I started looking up some stuff on post nasal drip and found that hormone medication, especially birth control can cause a change in the secretion of the mucus membranes, ie, post nasal drip. It has a common underlying effect as high blood pressure medication, which also makes low blood pressure a common side-effect of birth control. Oh joy! I am on this crap until May 25th.


I’d very much like to say that it’s all worth it, but that’s just it isn’t it. I don’t know if it will be worth it. I don’t know if it will lead to a beautiful baby. I want so badly for it to be worth it.

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